When you are searching for a new place to live, there are two factors that are almost certain to affect the rent of a unit are its location and what kinds of amenities the apartment has to offer. Knowing what to expect when hunting for an apartment in a hot neighborhood is a necessity, as is understanding exactly which amenities you would have access to under your lease agreement. If there are any issues or you need help figuring out if you have been overcharged, a New York City rent dispute lawyer from our firm may be able to help.
The location of an apartment is sure to affect its rent and desirability to tenants. You can expect to pay a premium when a neighborhood is:
If you find a spot that’s close to a train line or two with all of the stores and restaurants you could need nearby, it’s going to cost more than an apartment where you would have to walk a mile to catch the subway.
The amenities offered by the neighborhood affect the rent, but so do those offered by the apartment itself. A unit is going to go for more if the building offers things like:
Even though you are likely to pay more for an apartment in a good location or an apartment with amenities, you can take steps to make sure that too much of your household budget has to be reserved for rent. Tenants can get a better deal when they:
Choose one or the other: An apartment that offers plenty of amenities in a good neighborhood is obviously going to cost more. Some tenants choose to save on rent by opting for one over the other, instead of insisting on both. So maybe you get the neighborhood you love with plenty of things to do nearby, but your building and unit are older and lack perks like a doorman, a rooftop, or a gym. Or you could decide to opt for a newer building with plenty of amenities in a neighborhood that wasn’t your first choice.
Contact the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal: Once you do decide on a place, the DHCR can tell you the rental history and whether a unit is rent-stabilized. This can prevent you from being taken advantage of by an unscrupulous landlord.
So if you do end up running into an issue with a landlord, like a rent dispute or having access to a promised amenity cut off, we may be able to help. Contact Robert Rosenblatt & Associates to schedule a consultation with our team today.
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